Lee Rourke is the author of the short story collection EVERYDAY, the novels THE CANAL (winner of the Guardian‘s Not The Booker Prize), VULGAR THINGS (‘poignant and unsettling’ – Eimear McBride), and most recently GLITCH (‘a wise and tender novel’ – The Guardian), as well as the poetry collections VANTABLACK and VARROA DESTRUCTOR. He also contributed to the acclaimed KNOW YOUR PLACE essay anthology – a ground-breaking collection of essays about being Working-Class. He is a contributing editor at 3AM Magazine, and has written regularly for the Guardian, the New Humanist, TLS, Bookforum, Independent, and New Statesman. From 2012-2014 he was Writer-in-Residence at Kingston University, where he lectured on the MFA Programme in Creative Writing and Critical Theory. He has also taught Creative Writing at Middlesex University and the University of East London. 


Lee lives and works from Leigh-on-Sea, England. He is always available for press, interviews, and events.

Email Donald Winchester at office@watsonlittle.com or Lee directly at ljrourke9@hotmail.com.